Today, I went to the CBD to cover a march by mineworkers from the National Union of Mineworkers
(NUM) to the Chamber of Mines on Marshall street. They are protesting about the safety of SA mines.
They had banners and flags, some saying that the mines had blood on their hands and that they were "dripping in blood".
It kind of makes me think, these people, the ones leaving their families, working underground, doing the labour, getting dirty, getting killed, they really get nothing.
It seems to me, as it has for a while that these large corporations couldn't care less about the people that do the "menial labour", they only look after the top.
The spokesman for one of the mines comes out and says that safety is their top priority, I doubt that,
its just talk-
Generating a hefty profit to justify large increases for CEO's and the like is top priority, as it always has been.
Protesters from NUM dance outside the Chamber of Mines in Marshall st. Johannesburg.