You'll notice that I have quite a few entries on my blog complaining about the attitude of the police towards media - specifically me, I even thought to myself recently that I'm going to try not write too much about that anymore, but this ones a bit too hectic for me to ignore, as I find that the cops are constantly trying their best to hinder the media in their duties.
At a traffic accident, to stop me taking pictures Ekurhuleni Traffic Authority police jumped on me, choked me, bashed my head off the ground, kicked me, handcuffed me, locked me in the back of a very hot car for about an hour...
they charged
me with assault of all things.
I'm wondering if Ekurhuleni Traffic Authority police regard stopping a man from throttling you, as assault, anyway... chucked in police cells with a couple of house breakers, a thief, an illegal gun owner, a wife beater, and a man that I later found out murdered a man with a panga.
So, that was my day, it started out so well yet got so bad, so fast...
You'll also notice theres no pic with this entry, that's because I never got much of a chance to get a decent one, I was too busy getting roughed up, so sorry about that...